New York, New York and San Francisco, California ( PressReleaseCollection ) Nov. 28th 2009, 11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern time -Art Daily was driving through Glenwood Canyon, Colorado with his family when his car was hit by a boulder falling from the canyon wall. His wife and two boys were killed. Allison’s brother died by suicide and she has had two miscarriages. After their losses, they made the decision whether and how to live on. Art and Allison are co-authors of “Out of the Canyon.”

About Dr. Heidi Horsley

Dr. Heidi Horsley, PsyD, LMSW, MS, is a bereaved sibling and a licensed psychologist and social worker. Dr. Heidi is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Open to Hope Foundation and an adjunct professor at Columbia University. She has a private practice in Manhattan, NY specializing in grief and loss. She is also author of “Teen Grief Relief” and “Real Men Do Cry”. She holds graduate degrees from the University of San Francisco, Columbia University, and Loyola University.

About Dr. Gloria Horsley

Dr. Gloria C. Horsley, PHD, MFT, CNS, is a bereaved parent, and has worked in the field of family therapy for over twenty years. Dr. Gloria is Founder and President of the Open to Hope Foundation. She serves The Compassionate Friends in a number of roles, including as a Board Director. She is co-author of “Teen Grief Relief” and “Real Men Do Cry.” She holds graduate degrees from the University of Rochester, Syracuse, Greenwich and Holos Universities.

Dr. Heidi Horsley
37 West 72nd Street, Suite 1E
NY NY 10023
(646) 269-1664



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