North Hollywood, CA ( Pressreleasecollection ) August 22, 2009 — With the economic troubles of the past year, many insurance companies are finding that more policies are lapsing, particularly with auto insurance. Unemployment and uninsured motorists have risen with 14 percent of drivers on the road lacking auto insurance.

The majority of people are doing their best to hold on to essential insurance but are decreasing coverage to unsafe levels, or switching to a new company. It makes more financial sense to search around for the company that offers the lowest insurance rates for your needs instead of decreasing coverage. Insurance should protect you from a financial disaster, so be sure to keep adequate amounts and compare insurance quotes for a good deal.
6400 Laurel Canyon Blvd, Ste 460
North Hollywood, CA 91606
Phone: 800.647.2164
Fax: 800.647.2142
Eric Oster



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