Albuquerque, NM ( Blogger ) June 16, 2009 -, a consumer-oriented website, launched recently. Like its name implies, the website is devoted to helping consumers find the best colon cleanser for their health needs. The website does this by providing expert reviews of the top colon cleansers on the market today.

“Educating yourself is the key to finding the best colon cleanser for your needs,” said Mikaela Nunez, Content Coordinator at “By providing straightforward reviews from our panel of medical experts, consumers can clearly see which products work and which don’t.”

Each review contains an overview of the product, analysis of its ingredients, price/customer service grades, and an answer to the question: Does this product work?

“The goal of our colon cleanser reviews is to be a clear and user-friendly as possible,” continued Nunez. “We don’t boggle the reviews down with medical jargon because we want consumers to easily understand the positives and negatives of each product. This is what will help them make the most informed decision possible.”

The link between detoxification and colon cleansing has been studied by scientists for years. Many medical experts believe that routine colon cleansing is necessary for keeping the body free of harmful toxins. Once the body is detoxified after the colon cleanse, it’s common for subjects to lose upwards of 20 pounds.

“Over time, excess waste and toxins get trapped in the walls of our colon,” explained Nunez. “This leads to extra body fat. With a colon cleanser, all of this waste and toxins are washed away, causing individuals to shed those excess pounds.”

Because of this unique benefit, a large section of is devoted to identifying the best colon cleansers for weight loss. After hundreds of hours of testing, the panel of experts on this site believes that Core Cleanse produces the most significant weight loss benefits.

To put it simply, is the most comprehensive website for reviews of best colon cleanser such as Core Cleanse, Colonix, Ultimate Cleanse, and Puristat. Any consumer interested in buying a colon cleanse product would be well served to browse through these reviews before going to the health store or shopping online.

Contact details:
Mikaela Nunez
Best Colon
8100 Wyoming Blvd NE # M4
Albuquerque, NM 87113



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