Falls Church, VA ( PressReleaseCollection ) October 13, 2009 – “These are very, very good, selfless people. Even though they don’t have much for themselves, they have dedicated themselves to helping others, especially children,” says John Francis, CEO of NV Roofing, of the Tripp family that was the recipient of a new home as part of the ABC-TV hit reality show, Extreme Makeover Home Edition.

Although Francis and the rest of the hundreds of unpaid volunteers who worked on rebuilding the house is sworn to silence about the details of makeover until after the two-hour special showing during October, he did share some construction stories. For 22 hours straight, Francis and his 15-person crew from Northern Virginia Roofing constructed a metal standing seamed roof that contains solar power panels to help reflect heat and solar collectors that produce approximately five kilowatts of electricity on the new home. The home utilizes the latest eco-friendly innovations such as a geothermal heat pump, basement concrete walls filled with plastic foam and quadruple paned windows. These innovative construction techniques should help the Tripp family lower their utility bills.

NV Roofing worked in conjunction with other local companies, which donated all of the materials and manpower needed to construct a home for the family of four, in just seven days. Other Virginia contractors who committed time, money, people and compassion included general contractors, G & M Contractors, Burch Builders Group LLC, as well as Hawkins Electric and The Painting Company, which are both close affiliates of NV Roofing. Francis added that the local police and fire departments were invaluable in bringing this project to completion.

What makes this all the more amazing is that, following the demolition of the old structure, it was discovered that a spring ran directly underneath. This explained why one side of the old house was literally sinking into the ground. Putting the project behind schedule, eight feet of concrete was poured, creating a solid, dry foundation.

The week-long project transformed the two-bedroom home that suffered from severe plumbing and insulation problems into a three-bedroom, four-bath home, complete with a new basement game room for the children. Although the home, located in the West Lanham Hills district of Hyattsville, Maryland, is officially the home of Tamara and Nikema Tripp and their three children, Micah, Ethan and baby Aaden, the family often invites up to 40 inner-city children to their home for a hot meal, mentoring and guidance.

The popular reality show rewards inspirational and deserving families with a makeover of their home; the Tripp family being one example of the show’s philosophy. Following the destruction of Hurricane Katrina along the Gulf States in 2005, Extreme Makeover formed a country-wide coalition of builders to aid families whose homes had been destroyed by the storm.

Francis explained that the employees of the roofing company considered it a privilege to contribute their time and effort to rebuilding the Tripp home. He went on to say, “We made many new friends on the jobsite and are all very proud to help a family in our community that is absolutely selfless.”

Contact details:
Contact Name: Nick Messe
The Lead Frog
Address: Northern Virginia Roofing Co, 5606 Scoville Street
City: Falls Church
State: VA
Zip: 22041
Phone Number: 703-820-3077
Fax: 703-578-0876
Email: nvr@nvroofing.com

13 Oct 2009

