New York ( Press Release Collection ) July 1, 2008 –, a comprehensive database of reviews and analyses of natural male enhancement products, launched today. This website offers free information gathered from thousands of consumers about the effectiveness of popular male enhancement pills, topical and patches.

“The purpose of this website is to cut through the noise surrounding male enhancement products online,” said John Colgrande, content coordinator of “There’s so much empty information circulated by male enhancement affiliate programs and websites. We tried to create a consumer-focused database of male enhancement products and ingredients to help educate the consumer to make an informed purchase.”

Male enhancement is big business. In 2006, the New York Times reported that sales of the prescription male enhancement pill Viagra totaled US$1.7 billion. Sales of over-the-counter male enhancement pills and other products are much more difficult to track but are estimated at US$400 million in 2007 (Associated Press, 13 Nov. 2007). “In the recent past some herbal male enhancement products were deliberately manufactured with traces of prescription erection enhancers that could be dangerous,” Colgrande noted. “We focused on recommending reputable products produced by reputable companies, and noting the shortcomings of more questionable products.”

Many men seek to boost sexual prowess, libido and sexual pleasure through the use of these products. Some men seek out male enhancement products with an eye toward their partner’s pleasure. Others try male enhancement pills in order to increase self-esteem and reinforce a positive self-image. Male enhancement is at least partially psychological, Colgrande revealed. “But that doesn’t mean that the right male enhancement products don’t produce real benefits. You’d be amazed by some of the results we’ve seen, truly amazed.”

03 Jul 2008

